Ancla Super Hero VBS

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
    that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”

Psalm 90:14 NIV

One of the greatest blessings of being human is knowing that we are useful, that we can help, that we belong. It is so beautiful to know that God has placed this in us with the purpose of glorifying Him but also of serving others.

It is certainly not just about doing for the sake of doing, but about being and doing with the right intention. Sometimes it is difficult to keep that balance, but God in His grace always guides us.

I am very grateful and honored for the opportunity that God allows us to serve Him in this ministry, at Ancla de Amor.

One of the things that impacted me the most this summer at Ancla was seeing that for the second time one of the young people led an entire week of the summer Bible school entitled “Heroes vs. the Heroes of the Bible” giving way to the best of all, “Jesus Christ.” It was an incredible week, full of activities, led by this young man who loves Jesus, accompanied by two other teenagers who put their skills at the service of children ages 12 and under. I thank God for being a witness of how God is working in the lives of the children of Ancla de Amor. It is worth mentioning that on the last day the children received a visit from Jesus and he himself brought letters to each of them. Without a doubt, it was a very special time.

This summer the children were also growing in relationship with God. Every Wednesday of praise is a beautiful blessing since it is a space in which the children can learn more about God, sing to him, pray to him but also share the scriptures they have been memorizing during the week. Please continue praying for these times.

I thank God for his provision and great care for this place. He provided that all the Ancla staff would be trained to “care best the children” according to national standards. The caregivers and other staff members were able to get certified, we are very grateful to witness these achievements. Our leaders worked very hard to make this possible, and we thank God for them. So this summer we have experienced many blessings, growth, God’s provision, progress, we have had significant achievements and with our hearts full of joy we thank God for bringing us here, for using our lives, strength and hands.

Thank you for reading us, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. We have a great God who deserves all the praise and glory.

We send our love.