And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40
This summer has been a transitional summer for me and through this transition, I have had some time to stop, think and think about a lot. One of the things that has been on my mind has been Matthew 25:40. When we stop to think about it, it is actually quite profound. Have you ever stopped to think that we have the opportunity to directly bless Gods heart? God has done so much for all of us, isn’t it an interesting thought that we can bless Him in return for being so good? If that is the case I know that I want to take that opportunity! In this passage we learn that when we take action, and we extend our love and compassion by meeting the need of a disadvantaged person, (the least of these) we can directly bless God! I find that to be very exciting!
As I give tours of Ancla, and as I introduce people to our Ministry, a common question arises. People ask me, “What does the Government do to support you?” I have to admit that sometimes I begrudgingly respond with, “absolutely nothing!” One would think that the government should be the ones that care for those in poverty, the widows, and the orphans. Right?
I have come to the conclusion that this responsibility probably lays upon those of us that are believers in Christ. God has told us that what we do for the least of these we do for Him. Jesus has also commanded us to look after the widows and the orphans. One thing that I know for certain is that God has a very special place in His heart for the orphaned. I have witness His love expressed outwardly to them time and time again through the actions of people that are in tune with His Spirit. We have the opportunity to take care of these children for God, while at the same time blessing Gods Himself in the process. Why on earth would we want to share that privilege with the government? When we see someone in need, I think we need to see it as an absolute privilege and jump at the opportunity to help! After all, when we bless the disadvantaged its a direct conduit to blessing Gods heart.
Be Blessed, and I encourage you to be a blessing others!
Brian Krahn